Sunset's Toy Breed Puppies
Please take the time to look over our contract before deciding on one of our puppies.
This puppy is healthy to the best of my knowledge and ability. Your Veterinarian, at your expense, should examine this puppy within 72 hours of this purchase. Failure to have the puppy checked implies that you accept the puppy as is. If the Veterinarian finds a health problem with the puppy, you must inform us within 72 hours of purchase and return the puppy, with a written statement from the Veterinarian, as soon as possible. We will then exchange the puppy if possible for another, or Refund your purchase price. Seller is not responsible for any Vet bills the purchaser may incur regarding the puppy. Our puppies are de-wormed at 2-week intervals and are on a 6,9,12-week program for receiving their shots. We feel that it is very important that you discuss a further program with your Veterinarian, to complete your new puppy's protection against parasites and disease. All of our puppies are out of Registered parents, and you will receive a Registration Application with your puppy, that you will need to fill out with the required information, and mail to the Association. We strive to breed good, pet quality dogs with a friendly disposition that will make a happy addition to your household. We can not guarantee the puppy's temperament or conformation after purchase. It is the buyer's responsibilities to be aware of any temperament or conformation problems commonly associated with the breed. By both parties signing this contract, will make it a valid and binding Contract between Seller and Buyer.
Price: Sales Tax: Total:
Litter: Sex: Color:
oYour new puppy has had an excellent start to his/her health care program.
We hope that you will continue with a program that your Veterinarian will set up for you. Bring this paper with you on your first visit to the Vet, so he/she can see what has been administered and can continue on with the program they recommend. Until your puppy has received all 3 of their "Puppy" vaccinations, which will be 12 week of age, you must be extremely careful not to subject them to diseases such as Parvo. They should be kept inside, or carried when outside so they do not come in contact with the soil, which can harbor diseases such as Parvo. We recommend that you use "Pee Pads" or Newspaper inside for them to potty on until they have received their full set of shots. Do not allow them to be in contact with unknown puppies, even if they look healthy.
Feeding & Routine Care
Your Toy Breed puppy consumes a very little amount of food daily, so you want to be sure that they eat a high quality dry food. We do not recommend feeding canned food to your puppy. It can cause diarrhea or loose stool, and teeth problems. If your puppy is not eating at all, you should consult with your Veterinarian. We recommend a high calorie supplement such as Nutri-Cal 3X a day for the first week . You should keep dry food down for your puppy at all times during the first week you take them home as they are stressed from the new environment and should be encouraged to eat when they want to.
Routine care you should perform will include Nail trimming, grooming and bathing. The puppy's nails have been clipped every two weeks. You will need to continue to clip the tips of their nails every 2 weeks while they are young. Brush your puppy as needed and trim the hair under their tail (on the long hair breeds) to allow them to go the bathroom easily. You can bath your puppy with a gentle, tearless shampoo as needed, but try not to over bath them, as it can dry the coat.
Your Puppy has received their first Vaccination at 6 weeks of age. We use and recommend FORT DODGE vaccines. They must receive 3 of these shots before they are fully protected. These are recommended at 6, 9,and 12 weeks of age. The dates are shown below:
6 week due: given:
9 week due: given:
12 week due: given:
NEMEX 2 WAS GIVEN AT 2 and 4 weeks of age for Roundworms and Hookworms. PANACUR WAS GIVEN FOR 3 DAYS AT 6 Weeks of age for Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, Tapeworms. REPEAT PANACUR AT 9 WEEKS OF AGE.